Our cute little stockings that my mom made (I cut the pattern out.....).
Here's Lilli in her new Christmas dress with her handsome daddy.
Lilli in her new Christmas pj's. What a ham!!!!
We had a great Christmas this year. We stayed here in Georgia for the second Christmas in a row, and I have to say that it's been so fun to start our own traditions. We brought traditions from both sides of the family and I've just enjoyed it so much! Christmas Eve was a quiet evening. We made our traditional homemade pizzas, had Family Home Evening and read the Christmas Story, opened our new pajamas, then went and drove around to look at all the pretty Christmas lights. There really weren't a whole lot of houses with lights on them, but it was okay because it was well past Lilli's bedtime and she was getting sleepy. So we got home and put Lilli to bed, then Ben and I stayed up later and wrapped presents and watched "A Christmas Story." I love that movie. It brings such fun memories! Lilli let us sleep in the next morning. She didn't wake up until around 9am. I made our traditional Christmas crepes with fruit and whipped cream on top, then we opened presents. Lilli got spoiled this year, but it was fun to see her enjoy the things she got. Ben and I were SUPPOSED to keep Christmas small this year for each other, we were only going to get stocking stuffers. But Ben ended up getting me some work out stuff (which I really am going to enjoy), and spoiled me. Later in the day we had our good friends the Pilkington's over, along with David Meisenheimer (Ben home teaches him), all over for some yummy and delicious grub. Okay, not grub, Ben made prime rib and we had some other fixin's. It was so good. We had such a good Christmas! Sometimes we can get so caught up in the gift giving, and Santa, but we really tried to bring the true meaning of Christmas into our home. I know it's so important for Lilli to know why we celebrate this holiday. Christ is the ultimate gift our Heavenly Father has given. He has taught us to love one another and serve one another. I hope that we will always remember that, not just at Christmas time, but all through out the year. We missed being with family, but we were happy celebrating with just us and good friends! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!!
What a WONDERFUL Christmas!! I was so excited to read about everything and see your Christmas pictures! See ya soon - Rach
I can't believe you have a stocking for sid! you goober!!! haha...that's so funny...but the pics are super cute...i'm glad you had a good Christmas. sorry i didn't call..(of course, you could have called me too!) i forgot to call lots of people. it didn't really feel like Christmas, lol, so yeah..but I'm glad it was good. Love you guys so much!
I'm so glad you had a great Christmas. Lilli looks like a little princess with all of her pinky pink stuff! I love the pics!
What I was going to say the other day was!!!... (jk) I love your pjs and the facial expression is great! Did you get those Chrstmas Eve?? I think EVERYONE has the same tradition of the jammies the night before! But it looks like you guys had a great Christmas Lilli especially.. is she old enough to understand Santa??
AND the stockings are WAY cute.. I wish I was crafty.. I get impatient and give up! I wanted to get the dogs stockings, but we ran out of time... and Victor thought it was dumb.. haha
P.S. it was good to talk to you on the phone for like 2 seconds.. kind of huh!
P.S. You HAVE to post pictures of your totally 80's get together.. I hope this includes dressing up!
Such a beautiful family!! I love to read what is going on in your life. Love you and miss you like crazy.
Hey Ben, did you borrow Shari's robe on Christmas morning? ha ha.
oh, and this is NOT megan.
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