Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lest There Be Any Confusion...

Recently, some of may have noticed  comments on our blog from friends and family pertaining to Shari's pregnancy that are, how do I put it, incredible and OUTRAGEOUS! And so, at the request of my dear wife, I am posting to dispel any rumors you may have heard. Shari and I ARE in fact expecting TWINS and are VERY excited to share the news with all of you!

We are both also very impressed by the speed at which the news has been spread by both sides of the family. Shari needed only call both of our mothers and, in a matter of just a few short hours, the news had come full circle in the form of emails, phone calls, and blog comments. We count ourselves blessed to expect and welcome into our home not one, but TWO of our Heavenly Father's choice spirits into our growing family. We will continue to post and update you all on Shari and The Twins' status and progress and we look forward to any advice, support, and encouragement from all of you as we prepare to triple the population of children in our household.

Shari and Lilli have returned safely from their vacation in Wyoming/Washington and I look forward to reuniting with them at the end of this next week. It has been a long six weeks away and I am ready to be back home. I will be taking a couple weeks off from work when I get back to spend time with my girls and hope to do some traveling around the local area and have some fun. I look forward to seeing everybody again!


Julie said...

Wow! I am so excited for you all!

The Martinez Fam said...

Congrats on the news!! That is nuts!! Your mom told me the other day and I couldn't believe it. That's awesome. I thought I was busy mom, but I think after the twins are born, you might just have me beat!!:)

Don't worry about not being able to get together while you were here. I totally understand the pregnancy sickness. And no wonder you have been so sick, with two babies!! Anyway, I'm glad I ran into ya a couple of times and take care of yourself and those babies!!:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats X 2!! This will be fun picking out cool twin names.. like Bert and Ernie.. Ben and Jerry.. Well.. not so Sesame Street, but you get it.. Didn't you think it was a boy?? FYI.. a little celebrity trivia.. Nicole Richie wants a girl and twin boys..

Mike, Katie, Annali and Londyn said...

I am so stinkin excited for you guys. I about died when I heard the news. You will be a great mom to both those babies I know. Take care and I guess I am still in shock you will have 3 children but only have to be pregnant 2 times! Anyway congrats and you're awesome and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

FYI... I saw this on someone's blog.. thought it was kinda cool..

Katherine said...

That's way exciting. Nothing better than a two for one package deal.

Jonathan and Rachel said...

Congratulations again! Can't wait to help hold a baby for you :) Have a great week!

Bastianclan said...

Congradulations twins are double the Fun!!!! What an adventure. I can help out in whatever you need...Just give me a call or an e-mail...

Tiffeny said...

Wow, I am so happy for you guys. I bet you are pretty overwhelmed. I can not imagine getting baby number two and three at once. You guys are awesome parents. What lucky babies!!

Katherine said...

Yay!! Congratulations!! That is SO exciting! Twinners! How Fun!

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

Holy cow! That's awesome! Congratulations you two! My cousin (she's my/our age) is also having twins! Wow, I am just so excited for you!

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

Oh, and are they identical or fraternal?

Kate said...

Congrats!! What an amazing blessing :)

bre said...

Thanks...haha, I was gonna rub it in that I got a new calling...haha...oh well, I'm excited. I have the toughest group though...a lot of inactives, and single-parent homes...but the blessing I got when I got set apart was really good, so I feel a little better about taking it all, you're having twins, huh? maybe you should blog more...I still care about the one that you already have!! :) Love you..hope you guys are good!!! MISS YOU!

Paula said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations! Does Emily know? I'm excited for you and your precious little ones, take care of yourself. (from Randy's mother)

Ferret said...

Shari & Ben, I am SO happy for you! Congratulations!!! I think it's just perfect that you two are having twins, what a blessing!