Last Friday was our Ward Fall Festival. Everyone dressed up and we had a chili cook off, a pumpkin carving contest, and then a whole bunch of games for the kids to play. It was a lot of fun. Ben is on the activities committee and was put in charge of the chili cook off. It was crazy. I think only 10 people signed up to bring chili and we had about 20 different people bring some. So Ben was running around busy busy busy. Then we both were supposed to be in charge of the cake walk, but he ended up helping get things cleaned up so I was left on my own. Well, luckily a couple of ladies were there to help me and I'm sure glad they did because it was CRAZY!!! There were so many people and the line just wasn't moving (we had numbers line up in a circle and we'd play music while everyone walks around, then we pick a number and the person standing on that number wins a cake). We had to finally divide everyone into groups. That was a lot better. Anyway, we dressed Lilli up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She had the cute little dress and the red shoes, oh and a little basket (thanks Megan for letting us borrow the outfit. It was super cute!) Ben dressed up as a soccer player and I tried dressing up as a butterfly. Except I didn't try the little wings on until we actually got to the church. They didn't fit. When I FINALLY got my arms through the little straps, I couldn't put them down. Unfortunately, I couldn't wear the wings. It was a fun night. Lilli had a blast and looked super cute. I don't think the pictures do her costume justice.
My birthday was the next day, Saturday the 27th. It was okay. Ben had to work the night before, so of course he slept. He needs his sleep sometime. When he woke up, we ended up going to Dick's Sports (it's a sports store). That was good. Then we went for sushi. Lilli wasn't a fan (we didn't give her actual sushi, we gave her the cooked stuff). That's when she started getting sick. She had a runny nose and was just cranky. We got home, put her to bed, and then went over to our next door neighbors house for a Halloween party. We live right next door and we had the monitor. We sound like horrible parents, but it really was okay. Anyway, the party was fun. We chatted and played games. Then Ben had to go to work. Overall my birthday was okay. People called me and brought over gifts. It was nice to know that I'm cared about. Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody!!!!
Today is Halloween and we won't be taking Lilli trick or treating. Sad I know, but she's had a fever for the last 3 days. Not fun. She'll go down at around 5:30pm and wake up at 5am, then fall back asleep about an hour later and then sleep till 10am. At least that's what she did on Tuesday. We've just been giving her lots of juice of water. She's been drinking more than she's been eating, which is fine. I don't want her to get dehydrated. This picture is of her Tuesday morning. She drank a cup of cold juice and was just a shivering, so I wrapped her up in this big blanket. Ben gave her a blessing last night, and she seems to be doing better today. Her fever is down, but she's still congested. And she will not go down for a nap. She sat and cried and cried until I went up and got her. I can't force her to sleep. Oh well. She seems to be calm right now and is eating broccoli and mac and cheese. We'll see how the rest of the day pans out.
I haven't been able to work out the last couple of days. I feel like dirt, not because I'm sick but because I haven't been able to work out. With Lilli sick, I don't dare leave her to take a nap and have her crying the whole time I'm gone. I usually go work out during her nap. Ben is still here, even though he's sleeping, but at least he's here. I'm going to start back up tomorrow and get back on track. It's amazing what not working out does to your body, not just physically but in all aspects. So far my overall inches lost is a little over 10 inches and I've only lost about 3 pounds. So I still have a lot of work to do, but I really want to do this. Anyway, so these last couple of weeks have been really busy. Lots to do, and then a sick kid. Oh well. It's all part of being a parent. I wouldn't trade it for anything.