Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So, here's a sonogram photo from a few weeks ago. I finally got around to scanning and uploading it tonight. I don't know about you, but I never could see anything in these photos until I saw Lilli's first sonogram. Then, magically, it all just came into focus. Before that, it was like trying to figure out one of those psychedelic 3D posters... I never could see those dad-gum dolphins! Anyway, on the left-hand side you see twin #1 with head pointing to the left. On the right-hand side, if you look closely, you can see the little hand of twin #2 extended as if to scratch the bum of #1. Be sure and vote and let us know what you think we might be having (Not that it will change anything, though, right?)!!!


bre said...

yeah, so...I don't know what that is a pictures of...I can see the left baby, but that's it. Oh well. I'm sure there really are two and you aren't lying to us about that...(by the way...i just barely got Ben's facebook status! seriously now... :) but yay for three posts in a day! That makes up for the PAST THREE WEEKS WHERE THERE WAS NOTHING! don't do that again, okay? Mmkay, well, I should work...When's your due date again? I forgot...k, love you guys and miss you! Give Lilli a hug and a kiss for me and tell her I miss her the most of all! :)

bre said...

Oh yeah. is your dog still alive? I never hear anything about him anymore, and what did you do with him when you guys were away? You need to do a post dedicated to him (if he's still alive) so that he doesn't feel left out.

Tyson and Lauren Davies said...

I am going to say its two girls....but thats a guess in the dark. I really have no idea obviously. How exciting

Jessica said...

I say it's a boy and a girl.

I love the pictures of Lilli in her big girl bed. She looks so tiny in that big bed!

Emily, Randy, Baby, and the Pups said...

I still can't believe it. I sure do hope it is a boy and a girl.....but I think I am alittle bias. Miss you guys!

Julie said...

I think you will have two more girls!

Bastianclan said...

it's so fun to see the twins... You are soo lucky...

Bastianclan said...

I think you are going to have a boy and a girl.

Mike, Katie, Annali and Londyn said...

My first instinct says 2 girlies but hey wouldn't a boy and a girl be awesome.

Brittney K. said...

I love u guys!@ i am so excited about the "TWINNERS" i don't care what they are! justa as long as they get here and love me the best! haha...now if we could just get u back over here to stay! anywho...how's sid? he was the first baby...and we never hear bout him anymore...love love LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a "thingy" of twins before.. pretty cool..I always looked forward to those "thingy's".. to me, they couldn't come soon enough.. there were times where I couldn't feel Kennedi and I thought to myself.. OH MY GOSH.. she has no arms or legs! Thank goodness those "thingy's" show alot.. like we have one that you can DEF. tell that Kennedi is a girl.. pretty funny.. and no wonder it was so pronounced in her ultrasound (I finally thought of the word) they come out so swollen!

Ashlie said...

What? They didn't tell you? I though you were over 18 weeks! That's junk. Or do you already know and just want us all to guess anyway? OK FINE, two boys. My guess may or may not be related to the fact that my world is one dimensional that direction.

Pilkington Family said...

I am going to say a boy and a girl because Jonas needs a friend (like Lilli and Emma) and Lilli needs a sister...sisters are so fun.

bre said...

Okay, times up. You have had a week with no pressure from me...but times up! I NEED something to read when I'm BORED at school!! Come on sister...haha...okay, I am grateful for that last three posts in one day, but...I expect other people to have as much free time to play with their blogs as I do! I'd blog more, but I don't have any cute kids or any exciting events to blog about...(obviously since I told a story about mis-matched shoes and posted a RECIPE!!!) okay..love you..when do you find out what you're having? I guessed each one...haha..I'm throwing the votes off! Okay, I'm done. back to school. LOVE YOU! Hope you're feeling better!

Bill & Ellen Thompson said...

Well, this has nothing to do with what you wrote on your blog, but CONGRATULATIONS Ben on your promotion. That is pretty cool and we're proud of you.