Friday, August 29, 2008

The verdict is in but... `

I'm not going to post what we're having until I have some of the sonogram pictures up.  Sorry!!! I promise I'll try to get those up tomorrow.  So, until then... keep on guessing!


bre said...

Yeah, well you better not post until you call me! I have been waiting ALL DAY!!!! ya big jerk!!! :) jk..LOVE YOU!

Correa Family said...

You're tricky. I'm sure a lot of people are dying to know! LOL! Congratulations! (Wink!)

Pilkington Family said...

if anyone wants to know without Ben and Shari's permission, give the Pilkingtons a call

Tyson and Lauren Davies said...

Okay first I have been waiting all day to see that you updated your blog.

And then to find out that you aren't going to tell us. You're totally killing me! Just kidding

But I dont like how you say you'll try to put it up tomorrow! Can't wait to find out, but enjoy this time that only you and your hubby know the sex of the baby.. How exciting

The Martinez Fam said...

Seriously, Shari. I actually checked your blog before going to bed because I thought for sure you would have posted by now--which you did--but left out some very important details!! You're a trickster!!!;)

bre said...

So....apparently you called me today....(as I sheepishly look down)

my bad (giving you an apologetic look)

i will call you as soon as i wake up...(which could be around noon..)

just kidding

I will really call you tomorrow though, when I get up...which is HOPEFULLY before noon...LOVE YOU STILL...CAN'T WAIT TO KNOW!

Super Angie said...

Yeah!!!! Exciting! Can't wait to hear.