Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Valentine's Day

I know I'm super late on it, but our Valentine's Day was pretty all right.  We didn't do anything during the day (Ben had to sleep from working the night before), except I went shopping for our yummy dinner that night.  Ben did get Lilli and I flowers.  Me - Roses and Lilli - what else, lilies.  It was very thoughtful of him and Lilli was in heaven.  Anyway, we put Lilli to bed and then Ben and I had our dinner.  We kind of went all out.  We had king crab legs, shrimp dip, filet mignons, baked potatoes (Ben had a sweet potato), salad, Logan's sweet rolls, and Cream Soda.  It was so delicious! 


bre said...

So, I dunno what is on the edge of the plate, but at first I thought it was some type of chocolate dessert, and it looked DELICIOUS...but, now I don't think that's what it was...but I will just imagine that it's something chocolatey...

Looks yummy!

Lindsay said...

What a fun Valentine's Day! The food looks great! :) I can't get my hubby to even touch sea food, darnit!

Winn Family said...

you two are sooooooo cute! I means seriously, picnic on the bed? Who does that kind of so so cute stuff? and the flowers for both you two--so thoughtful. Congrats Ben on promoting, and that's so so funny/crazy/unfortunate about Lilly sneaking out to watch t.v.--ha ha--...but, maybe just unplug the t.v. when you go to sleep for awhile. That's the best I got. (course, if the t.v.'s not available and she's up...the results might be a lot worse to wake up to then her asleep on the couch.) Okay--love you guys!

Hannah said...

MMMMMMM crap legs.