Friday, November 30, 2007
My little Lilli bug!
Lilli has discovered the cup! She does pretty good with it and now that she can use it, that's all she'll use. This is all a new development (as of.........yesterday). Today I tried putting some milk in a sippy cup, and she would not drink it. She wanted it in a cup. It amazes me that even so young, they know EXACTLY what they want! Anyway, she loves it. Every once in a while we'll have a spill, but she does well. She really likes yogurt too. She thinks it's ice cream. She's developed quite the sweet tooth. It's my fault. I should not have given her the sweet cereals. Now all she wants are sweets. I just don't want her teeth to rot. She's our little Lilli bug! She's been a little grumpy today. I think it's her teeth. All the signs were there, poor little thing. I just love teething season!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Ben!!!!
Yesterday was Ben's 27th birthday! I know, he's so old! The day started off okay. He was sweet and let me go to my work out class. Then I came home and made his favorite breakfast, crepes with strawberries and whipped topping. The rest of the day consisted of Ben doing his math homework (while I cleaned the house to get ready for the surprise birthday party I had planned for him). Then at around 5pm, he and I went to Miyabi's where they cook the food right in front of you. There was so much food. Thankfully, the Pilkington's had offered to watch Lilli for us. Anyway, after dinner, we went to Dick's Sports (where else). We played some air hockey. Ben cheated, a lot!!!! And ended up winning, but I guess that's okay cause he was the birthday boy! Then we went home and had all our neighbor friends there to wish him a happy birthday. He said he had no idea, until before we went in I told him to go first. I'm so bad about surprises!!!!! I always blow it, so if you ever have a surprise, don't tell me. :) Plus, everyone left their shoes by the door, so of course he saw them. It was funny! But it was a really fun day! I hope Ben had a very happy birthday! Lilli and I are so grateful to have him in our lives. He's a wonderful father and husband and is always so helpful and willing to serve. He's hard working and is such a great provider! We love you Ben and can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays to come!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving and Black Friday!
I love Thanksgiving! I have been blessed so much and have so much to be grateful for! We were able to spend Thanksgiving Day at our really good friends' the Pilkingtons'. It was a lot of fun, and there was tons of food! I love food!!! This week has been a little rough, so it was a nice change being able to get away from it all. Kind of. Lilli has been sick, and with that, she's had a really bad diaper rash. We're talking, blisters. I just wanted to cry for her! She was still in pain Thanksgiving Day and wasn't too happy, but to be honest, it didn't put too much of a damper on the day. I had also been sick (with a cold) this week, but was feeling better. It's okay for one of us to be sick, but for both of us, it wasn't much fun. But, to look on the positive side, Ben had a few days off and was able to take care of his girls! And he did a great job! We feel so blessed to have such good friends and be able to spend the Holidays with them. It sort of makes up for being so far away from family. Thanks Pilkingtons'!!!!!!
Everyone knows that the Friday right after Thanksgiving is the big shopping day, Black Friday! I never thought that I would be one of those crazy people to get up at 3:30 in the am and go to the early sales, but I did it! I went with my partner in crime, Megan (Pilkington), and it was crazy! I don't think I was meant to get up so early, because Ben had set the alarm for 3:30 but set it for in the afternoon, so Megan had to call and wake me up. Once I got up, it was fine. We went to Wal-Mart first. We got there at around 4am and stayed till the sales went on at 5am. It was like vultures to a dead carcass (sorry for the analogy, but that's seriously how it was). People were mad dashing it to get toys. We did manage to get what we had come for. So then we headed to Target. Prepared for another chaotic event. Their sales started at 6am and we got there around 5:15am. We had to wait out in the freezing cold with just pants,a sweater and flip flops on, waiting for them to open. We both were freezing cold! It was a lot of fun though, and we both got what we came for (and some). Target wasn't as crazy as Wal-Mart was. I seriously would do it all over again, we had such a blast! Needless to say, I was really tired and took a 2 hour nap later (Ben had gotten up at 4am and had to take Lilli to the other Target, just to be sure we got what we wanted). I let him take a nap too.
Anyway, amidst being sick, and the chaotic shopping, and trying to prepare for a talk in church, this week has been a really good week and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people and celebrate such a fabulous holiday. I love my husband and daughter so much and they bring such happiness in my life! Hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I've Been Tagged! AGAIN!!
I love this whole tag thing. I know I did one not too long ago, but I got tagged again and thought of some other ticks/habits/favorites. Sorry if you're sick of these. I think they're fun. So here goes!
1. I am deathly afraid of heights!!! Not even kidding! I start to hyperventilate if I get up too high. I even get a little nervous if I'm up off the floor even a little bit. When I went to New York, I couldn't go up to the top of the Empire State Building, I was so freaked out. This is going to sound really bad, but I get nervous even watching movies where a plane is flying or if the view is looking over a city or whatever. It freaks me out!
2. My roommates used to make fun of me for this one, but I can't stand there to be any extra time on the display on the microwave. I always have to clear it. Sometimes, they would stop something from cooking in there so there would be extra time on the display and would leave it on there JUST to bug me. It really bothers me.
3. I'm starting to love working out. I never thought that would happen, but I really am starting to like it. I love the way it makes me feel after a long hard work out. I feel good!! Not to mention I lost 2.5 pounds this last week! Yea!!!!!!!! THAT is definitely worth it!
4. I have over 100 cousins just on ONE side of my family. My mom has 15 brothers and sisters (16 kids total, all from the same mother and no twins or triplets etc.) Crazy huh!? I don't even know some of them. And let's just say that family functions for the Davies' family were/are nuts! There was/are a lot of people there.
5. I love volleyball. I coached volleyball in college for two years at a local high school (Rigby High). I was the head JV coach the first year, and the assistant varsity coach the second (I got married and moved away after that). I also coached volleyball camps for about 5 years (coaching with/for one of the best vball coach in the world). I would travel around the U.S. and teach volleyball at high schools and some junior high schools. I also received a full ride scholarship to play volleyball to Division I university (granted it was University of Idaho, but still.........). My dad is a vball coach (he coached me all through high school), so it's in my blood. My dad says that Lilli had better be a vball player (let's just hope she's got hops like her daddy). Anyway, volleyball is the best!
6. I have to say that I am a member of one of the best church wards I have ever been in. I've got so many great friendships with so many of the women in our ward. I think they are all unique and special and I have loved getting to know all of them. I have such a great time whenever I'm around any of them and I want all of them to know how much I have grown to love them. They are women of God and are so inspirational. They have been such great examples to me of being a good wife and mother. And they're feisty too!!!!! and sassy! I love it! We get such a hoot out of each other! Anyway, you are the greatest, ladies!!!!!!!
So that's it. I hope you all enjoy it!
1. I am deathly afraid of heights!!! Not even kidding! I start to hyperventilate if I get up too high. I even get a little nervous if I'm up off the floor even a little bit. When I went to New York, I couldn't go up to the top of the Empire State Building, I was so freaked out. This is going to sound really bad, but I get nervous even watching movies where a plane is flying or if the view is looking over a city or whatever. It freaks me out!
2. My roommates used to make fun of me for this one, but I can't stand there to be any extra time on the display on the microwave. I always have to clear it. Sometimes, they would stop something from cooking in there so there would be extra time on the display and would leave it on there JUST to bug me. It really bothers me.
3. I'm starting to love working out. I never thought that would happen, but I really am starting to like it. I love the way it makes me feel after a long hard work out. I feel good!! Not to mention I lost 2.5 pounds this last week! Yea!!!!!!!! THAT is definitely worth it!
4. I have over 100 cousins just on ONE side of my family. My mom has 15 brothers and sisters (16 kids total, all from the same mother and no twins or triplets etc.) Crazy huh!? I don't even know some of them. And let's just say that family functions for the Davies' family were/are nuts! There was/are a lot of people there.
5. I love volleyball. I coached volleyball in college for two years at a local high school (Rigby High). I was the head JV coach the first year, and the assistant varsity coach the second (I got married and moved away after that). I also coached volleyball camps for about 5 years (coaching with/for one of the best vball coach in the world). I would travel around the U.S. and teach volleyball at high schools and some junior high schools. I also received a full ride scholarship to play volleyball to Division I university (granted it was University of Idaho, but still.........). My dad is a vball coach (he coached me all through high school), so it's in my blood. My dad says that Lilli had better be a vball player (let's just hope she's got hops like her daddy). Anyway, volleyball is the best!
6. I have to say that I am a member of one of the best church wards I have ever been in. I've got so many great friendships with so many of the women in our ward. I think they are all unique and special and I have loved getting to know all of them. I have such a great time whenever I'm around any of them and I want all of them to know how much I have grown to love them. They are women of God and are so inspirational. They have been such great examples to me of being a good wife and mother. And they're feisty too!!!!! and sassy! I love it! We get such a hoot out of each other! Anyway, you are the greatest, ladies!!!!!!!
So that's it. I hope you all enjoy it!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Pop Rocks and Finger Paints!
Then, that night after dinner, Ben and I were doing dishes and all of sudden Lilli comes in just a growling and laughing and screaming. I turned around and this is what I saw!!!!!! She had the mesh bag that holds all
Today Lilli found some finger paints I had gotten a little while ago. I had every intention of letting her do it, just not yet. Anyway, she wanted to do it so I let her. I know, I'm either really brave or really dumb. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She did get paint all over her, butshe had a blast. It was definitely worth it. I think it took more time to get it all set up (of course I had to fully cover my table with paper bags so it wouldn't get destroyed, then had to move all the kitchen chairs away from the table, then had to move the table away from any walls that may have gotten paint on them) than it did to clean up. Anyway, let's just say that she didn't make too big of a mess, but a mess none the less. She had a blast and I had a blast watching her. She was a little hesitant at first because she wasn't sure if she should be making a mess but once I showed her the way to do it, she just went for it. She definitely got a bath afterwards!! Like I said, I had so much fun watching her have fun!!!!! Her face just says it all!
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Big Potty!!!
So after receiving some inspiration from a friend, I decided to start potty training Lilli, TODAY. We bought her a little potty last night and sat her on it, just to let her get the feel of it. So this morning I told her that if she needed to go pee pee to let me know. While she was eating she kept saying pee pee, so I rushed her to the little toilet and SHE WENT PEE PEE!!!!! YEA!!!!!! I was so excited! So throughout the day I would put her on the potty. She didn't go, but just so she would understand. Well, after her nap, she had a dry diaper so I rushed her to the potty again, and SHE WENT AGAIN!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! I was so proud of her! She hasn't gone on the potty since, but I thought that even going on the potty twice in one day was quite an achievement. We'll try again tomorrow!
Today was also Ben and my weigh in. I gained like .2 pounds, but I lost inches on every part of my body, but one (I can't remember which part). I haven't added anything up, but that was quite a success for me. Yea!
Today was also Ben and my weigh in. I gained like .2 pounds, but I lost inches on every part of my body, but one (I can't remember which part). I haven't added anything up, but that was quite a success for me. Yea!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
The rules are that you list 6 facts/habits about yourself then at the end of the post name 6 people that you are going to tag. Then you go into their comments and tell them that they have been tagged. So here it goes:
1. I love my family more than anything. I'm married to a wonderful husband, Ben, who has a big heart and we have a beautiful daughter, Lilli, who is as sassy as ever. Ben and I met in 2001, my sophomore year at BYU-Idaho. We got to be good friends, but nothing more at that time. He had a big crush on one of my roommates and I was dating someone (who eventually became Ben's roommate). We lost touch for a couple of years and then happened to meet up in the Snow building in January 2004 (which was a blessing because my best friend and roommate had just graduated that December before and I was feeling a little down). Ben was getting his temple recommend and I had just come from getting a calling from my bishop. I wasn't even going to say hi (I wasn't in the mood to talk; I can't remember why), but I felt guilty so I went over and talked to him. After that, he got a little push from one of the bishopric in his ward and he asked me out. We were engaged in May of 2004, he joined the Air Force in June of 2004, and then we were sealed for time and all eternity in the Mt Timpanogas temple on December 18th of 2004. We had Lilli in June of 2006. Lilli was named after my great grandmother, Lillian and Ben's mom, Leigh Ann Hope. Lilli's full name is Lillian Hope. I think it is a beautiful name taken from two very beautiful women who have passed on. I know this is kind of long but I have found so much joy from being married to a wonderful man and having such a beautiful little girl.
2. As I mentioned earlier, we are in the military and I really enjoy it. Granted, there are down sides, but we've been to places I would otherwise not have been to. I'm from a small town (called Cokeville, yes, Cokeville and NO we do not have lots of Coke there) in Wyoming with about 500 people. The most exciting place I had ever been to growing up was.................Provo, UT, to go school shopping. How sad is that! Though in college, my roommates and I took a trip to New York City, where I just so happened to get pick-pocketed (NOT FUN!). That was the extent of my travels. Not that we've been to anyplace super spectacular, but we were in Monterey, CA (loved it! we traveled down south to LA and San Diego). Then we were in San Angelo, TX (let's face it, we all know there's NOTHING exciting there). And now we're here in Augusta, GA with Charleston, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, and Savannah all within a 3 hour drive. Not bad. We're really wanting to go to England, but that most likely will not happen. Anyway, I feel like we've had it pretty good compared to most people. Most struggle financially and have to worry about health insurance etc, and I feel like we're doing okay. Again, being military isn't all great, but why not make lemonade when life gives you lemons. Or something like that. You know what I mean.
3. What can I say, I love a good television show! This is going to sound bad, but I have a show to watch every night of the week (Lilli is sleeping and Ben is usually too, a quick cat nap before going to work). I know I could read, but I'm done with the Twilight books (I'm so sad), and the Harry Potter's and I don't know what other good books to read. Anyway, I love to watch Dancing With the Stars, The Biggest Loser, Pushing Daisies (so funny), The Office (a family favorite), and some other shows are What Not to Wear, 24, American Idol, and So You Think You Can Dance and Charmed (cheesy I know). Ben likes to watch these with me, too. Except for Charmed, he makes fun of it.
4. I'm a sucker for chocolate. I don't like truffles, but I love anything else with chocolate. I'm on a hot chocolate kick and last night I made the best hot chocolate. I heated some milk up, added some Ovaltine chocolate mix, then added a little Irish Cream creamer. It was delicious! My favorite chocolate candy is Ferrero Rocher. The best (if you like chocolate with hazelnuts)! I also like Almond Rocha's. My mouth is watering, they're so good.
5. I will sit and text my sister on the phone all day, rather than just giving her a call. Ben gets a kick out of it. He doesn't understand why we don't just call each other. I'm not a big fan of talking on the phone. I don't like calling people, unless I absolutely have to. I hope I don't offend anybody. I'm sorry. I just don't like talking on the phone. All of my siblings are like that too. None of us like talking on the phone.
6. I'm adventurous when it comes to food. I'll try new foods every chance I get. Again, being from a small Wyoming town, we only had the basics. Nothing fancy. I had never had sushi until we moved to California and now I love it. It's one of my favorite things to eat. I also love fried oysters. I had never tried those until I got here to Georgia. They're especially delicious on a Po' Boy Sandwich. I'm a big fan of artichokes. I really like fried calamari. They're really good at Macaroni Grill with Marinara sauce. I guess I just love food!!!!
Well, I hope you've enjoyed reading this. I had fun writing it. It's fun to let people know more about me, some interesting facts. Or maybe not so much interesting as never before known facts. Whatever I'm trying to say. The picture was the only one of my I could find where I looked half decent. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I gave Lilli a bowl of noodles with spaghetti sauce, turned around for a minute and this is what I saw!
Lilli was trying to put her bunny in the high chair.
So as you all know, this last week has been very crazy. With Lilli sick, and Ben being home but not really (sleeping from working all night long). Okay, so maybe it doesn't sound like much, but to me it was crazy. So right now I'm feeling a little worn out. Ben has been really great about helping me out, but still, I'm so tired. I just have to vent. I know my troubles don't even compare to some people's but.................I still feel tired and worn out. I'm tired of cooking, and cleaning, and changing diapers, and feeding the dog. I feel horrible for feeling that way but I do. I love my family very much and wouldn't trade them for anything, but it just gets a little tiring. I feel like I'm at that breaking point. Lilli will wake up 2 or 3 times from 7pm (her bedtime) till about 11 or 12 at night. It's very wearisome and I've tried letting her cry it out, but she won't. She gets more and more worked up the longer I leave her. I put her down early tonight (after throwing a fit because we tried sitting her down to say family prayer). She cried for about 30 minutes and I finally went up there. She just needed her binky and now she's sleeping. I feel like we've gotten so used to going up there, that now she just expects it. We didn't used to go soothe her everytime she would cry. There for a while she was doing awesome at not waking up at all, but then it just started one night at a time and now it's EVERY night. Right now I'm in survival mode (and I know all you mom's out there know what I'm talking about). I just keep praying the Lord will help me. And I know He will!!! I mean, Lilli is just too dag gum cute! Look at those pictures. :)
Last week we were asked to attend a Stake meeting and we were told that our ward would be splitting. We are now in the Grovetown ward. We were in the Harlem Ward. I'm excited for the change, and I know most of the people in our new ward. But I will miss a lot of ward members that are still in the Harlem ward. There were so many great people who helped us out with Lilli a lot and were so kind and loving. We're going to miss them. However, I'm very excited for the new experiences and members that have and will come with this new change. I love our ward and I love our ward members. I have made so many wonderful friendships. With a new ward, also comes new callings. Today, I was called to be the Ward Music Director. I will keep conducting during the sacrament hymns, but there are more responsibilities. I don't know what those are yet, but I have to say I'm a little nervous. I'm excited, but scared. I know the Lord gives us callings for a reason. I just have to have faith that he'll lead me along.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
No Trick or Treating
Lilli is okay today. She's feeling much much better. I'm still debating on if I should take her to the doctor. I know I should have taken her earlier, but she was fine during the day and then WHAM! at night's the fever came back. I think though, today is different. Except now, because we've been coddling her whenever she cries or goes to sleep, she thinks that we're going to do that ALL the time. She wants to be held all the time and I just can't sometimes. It's been very frustrating. Right now, I just put her down for a nap and she's crying. I know she's waiting for me to come up there and get her, but I'm sticking to my guns. She's so tired.............and I'm not hearing her cry anymore..............................I think she may be down for the count....waiting....................Yep she's asleep. SUCCESS!!!!!!! I hate hearing her cry, but sometimes you just gotta stick to it................and she's still crying.....................great..............I can't go up there. I just can't. I'm really trying to talk myself out of going up there, as you can see. Lilli had another fever last night, so we didn't go trick or treating. She went to bed at around 4:30pm and woke up, wide awake at 8:30pm. And I mean wide awake, she was running around everywhere. She snarfed down almost a whole mini bag of popcorn, plus some chex mix that I made. That girl is crazy! Because I was getting tired, I eventually had to put her down at around 10pm (right before Ben left for work). Then she woke up bright and early at 7am this morning. And now I'm waiting for her to go down for a nap.
So I haven't been able to work out the last two days, because Lilli has been sick. But today I went, and let me tell you, two days of missed exercising makes a huge difference. I about died in class today. We worked with the step and our instructor, Rod, is a beast. He works us so hard. But I like that. I feel so much better once I'm done. During, it's agony, but it all pays off.
We had a few trick or treaters come to our house, so now we have a big huge bowl of candy. I can't eat it, and Ben won't eat it (he's not a big sweets eater) so if anybody wants some, I got it. I might take it to church or something. I don't know. (Lilli is still crying) I can't believe we're into November already. I feel like Christmas was just here. It's amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun. Well, I think I'm going to fold and go get Lilli.
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