Lilli is okay today. She's feeling much much better. I'm still debating on if I should take her to the doctor. I know I should have taken her earlier, but she was fine during the day and then WHAM! at night's the fever came back. I think though, today is different. Except now, because we've been coddling her whenever she cries or goes to sleep, she thinks that we're going to do that ALL the time. She wants to be held all the time and I just can't sometimes. It's been very frustrating. Right now, I just put her down for a nap and she's crying. I know she's waiting for me to come up there and get her, but I'm sticking to my guns. She's so tired.............and I'm not hearing her cry anymore..............................I think she may be down for the count....waiting....................Yep she's asleep. SUCCESS!!!!!!! I hate hearing her cry, but sometimes you just gotta stick to it................and she's still crying.....................great..............I can't go up there. I just can't. I'm really trying to talk myself out of going up there, as you can see. Lilli had another fever last night, so we didn't go trick or treating. She went to bed at around 4:30pm and woke up, wide awake at 8:30pm. And I mean wide awake, she was running around everywhere. She snarfed down almost a whole mini bag of popcorn, plus some chex mix that I made. That girl is crazy! Because I was getting tired, I eventually had to put her down at around 10pm (right before Ben left for work). Then she woke up bright and early at 7am this morning. And now I'm waiting for her to go down for a nap.
So I haven't been able to work out the last two days, because Lilli has been sick. But today I went, and let me tell you, two days of missed exercising makes a huge difference. I about died in class today. We worked with the step and our instructor, Rod, is a beast. He works us so hard. But I like that. I feel so much better once I'm done. During, it's agony, but it all pays off.
We had a few trick or treaters come to our house, so now we have a big huge bowl of candy. I can't eat it, and Ben won't eat it (he's not a big sweets eater) so if anybody wants some, I got it. I might take it to church or something. I don't know. (Lilli is still crying) I can't believe we're into November already. I feel like Christmas was just here. It's amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun. Well, I think I'm going to fold and go get Lilli.
Hey Shari Okay so let me tell you what I did after class. I came home and hung out bloggin for a while. You beat me by minutes posting on sites so now the game is on. Giggles then chandler and I took a nap. Yeah talk about worn out. I feel so much better now. LOL I'm so glad Lilly is feeling better. You go girl you stick to your guns it will pay off in the end. I would have ben take all that candy into work. That is what I make my hubby do with all the leftovers. UMMM I also have a super yummy cookie recipe for candy bars if you want it. YUMMMM Okay girly girl have a wonderful day
This is so sad... no trick or treating this year!? So sad when kids get sick.. don't you feel helpless!? Kennedi ran a fever for a couple days when she got her 4 month shots, she would not let me put her down! BUT.. Lilli looked so dang cute as Dorothy!
Your doing so great with going to the gym.. I wish I had your willpower! You're so good to me..but I'm still 10-15 lbs heavier than I was pre-baby! EW! ;)
Shari, you crack me up with your second by second narration of Lilli crying. I have totally been there and I feel your pain. I'm so glad you went to class and that you are losing so many inches. You go girl! I've never been to your house but I saw your couches in the picture- I LOVE the red couches!!! I like you a lot!
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